Our Process
Clarity in Design
Flexibility in Process
We always start with a consultation which can be in person or online. This helps us to clarify the brief and to ask questions about aspects of the project you might not have been aware of. This all helps streamline the process from the outset. We establish a realistic timeline and key personal to liaise with.
From here on in it depends on the design project though we normally present initial drafts or wireframes for approval before delving deeper in the design. We then present further drafts at appropriate stages and the project is signed off once you are happy with it.
We recognise that you will know your business better than us, and we will guide you only towards what we feel will accomplish your goal from a design and marketing point of view. We take on board all aspects of what you want the end result to be and work towards achieving that. We always put you first and foremost.
We work on our own initiative however we can also work as part of your in-house marketing team, bringing fresh ideas and energy to a project. In this respect we are often like a team member.

Do you charge for your Consultations?
The first 1 hour consultation is free. this gives both parties a chance to find out if we are a good fit for your company or project. After this further consultations are charged at an hourly rate.
Do You Work to strict Deadlines?
Yes! Absolutely. However we often find our clients are the ones which prolong a project, which is fine as sometimes unforeseen aspects only arise once a project has started.
Do you oversee any print Requirements?
Yes, and we prefer to as it makes the process a lot smoother for us. However if you have your own preferred printers then we ar happy to liaise with them too.
Can you step into a project already started?
Yes we can, however we would need time to get up to speed on where it was and the timeframe before we could commit.
Can you design on a Wix or Squarespace website
While we prefer to design our websites on WordPress we have no issue designing on Wix or Square Space if that it your desired platform.
Can you oversee a project from start to finish?
Yes, this is our normal way of working. However we can also take on just part of a project.