Magazine Design

NHS Health Scotland was the Scottish national health education and promotion agency from 2003 to 2020. Its goal was to improve the health of the nation, via research, planning, programme implementation and evaluation.
Design Brief
We were approached to take over the design of their Engage magazine, a magazine for the Meeting the Shared Challenge support programme that highlighted the activity of the national capacity-building programme for community-led health. This involved keeping in line with the style while creating a look and feel suited to the magazine, delivered for print and online.
What We Did
We consulted with our client to find out which direction they wanted to take the magazine in. We then designed the layout and graphics to suit the brief and delivered print and online versions.
With a focus on community engagement Engage helped keep partners up to date with the key themes, national learning and developments from the support programme, and helped partners achieve a better understanding of the community-led approach to health improvement.
“Engage has been an important resource to communicate progress with the Meeting the Shared Challenge programme.”
Kathy O’Neill
General Manager, Clackmannanshire CHP
Issue Sample