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VOiCE printed material

Range of Design for Print

VOiCE zeddie folded leaflet
Range of VOiCE printed material
Range of VOiCE printed material close up
Range of VOiCE printed material covers
Range of VOiCE printed material with graphic
Inside of VOiCE printed A5 leaflet showning graphic


Scottish Community Development Centre is a small charity recognised as the national lead body for community development in Scotland. they contacted us to design various material for their VOiCE (Visioning Outcomes in Community Engagement) programme. 

Design Brief

VOiCE is planning and recording software that assists individuals, organisations and partnerships to design and deliver effective community engagement. Our brief was initially to design A5 folded leaflets and then went on to design booklets, a CD cover, Zeddie folded leaflets and a A5 6 page folded leaflet. In all cases we had to use the brand guidelines and design for accessibility as standard and oversee the print and production. 


What We Did

We took the two colours of the branding and used them throughout all projects. Clarity again was key and an infographic chart was required and for the DL booklet. We printed the booklet on a thick paper almost like board for durability and ease of use. 


VOiCE has been developed and supported by the Scottish Government to implement the National Standards for Community Engagement. The system enables all users to use a common approach to plan, monitor and evaluate community engagement practice. The printed material is used in conjunction with the online programme training. 

“Ecru Design helped us to effectively communicate the Scottish Governments National Standards for Community Engagement and VOiCE engagement software.  The innovative and professional designs helped us to produce materials which made sense to practitioners and could be used every day.  The team worked with us on our initial ideas and took them to another level as they are very talented designers which makes a big difference.  ECRU also pulled the stops out when we needed to produce materials to tight deadlines and ensured that the whole process from design to print was seamless.  We are very happy to recommend ECRU design and continue to work with them to produce our materials.”

Looking to get printed material designed?